Quotes from Joyce Meyer
God is able to do anything. All things are possible with Him, but we must not quit praying.
- Joyce Meyer
Make sure you are doing what is important to God-not just what is important to everyone else you know.
- Joyce Meyer
God is good, and He cannot be anything else.
- Joyce Meyer
God cares about everything that concerns you, so feel free to talk to Him about anything.
- Joyce Meyer
There's nothing more dangerous to the kingdom of darkness than a believer with the Word of God in their mouth.
- Joyce Meyer
Were all important in god's eyes.
- Joyce Meyer
God doesn't do things halfway. He goes all out! When God does something, it's not just barely enough, mediocre or lukewarm.
- Joyce Meyer
If we know God is for us, then it shouldn't matter how we feel, or what other people think of us.
- Joyce Meyer
The biggest black eye that you can give the devil is to give God your pain and let Him turn it into gain.
- Joyce Meyer
Have God make a message out of your mess.
- Joyce Meyer
Many Christians suffer because they're too busy seeking carnal knowledge instead of the Word of God.
- Joyce Meyer
Motives reveal why we do what we do, which is actually more important to God than what we're doing.
- Joyce Meyer