Quotes from Joyce Meyer
If I am doing the best I can and people don't approve, what they think will have to be between them and God. I
- Joyce Meyer
When we keep our eyes on our problems, we feel defeated and discouraged (see Numbers 13:31—32), but when we realize God is bigger than our problems, we can experience victory.
- Joyce Meyer
God has graciously planned a good life for you to live.
- Joyce Meyer
If you apply God's word to your life, you will find that it works exactly as He says it will.
- Joyce Meyer
He quickly asked God to cleanse his lips, and only after that was done did God release him to go and prophesy His message to others.
- Joyce Meyer
It is easy to get into the flow of the world and just float along in the worldly boat with everybody else. One thing is for sure—no one will be lonely on the broad way. There will always be lots of company because many people are going that way. The
- Joyce Meyer
Obviously these people are destined to be frustrated and discontented most of the time. Don't spend your life trying to make the impossible possible. People have faults and there is no way around it! No matter who you are in relationship with there will be times when they will disappoint you, so plan on forgiving frequently.
- Joyce Meyer
The Word of God is powerful. It has the ability to calm you down, cheer you up, give you hope, and stir your faith up!
- Joyce Meyer
When you choose God's will, the Holy Spirit will energize you to live out that decision.
- Joyce Meyer
We must learn to seek God's face and not His hand! Our heavenly Father delights in giving His children good things, but only if we are not seeking after them.
- Joyce Meyer
Real love has little to do with gooey emotions and goose bumps; it has everything to do with the choices we make about the way we treat people. Real love is not theory or talk; it is action. It is a decision concerning the way we behave in our relationships with other people. Real love meets needs even when sacrifice is required in order to do so.
- Joyce Meyer
Our strength to conquer is found in pressing forward with God. The Lord told Jeremiah in the final verse of chapter one that the people would fight against him, but they would not prevail for one simple reason: "I am with you.
- Joyce Meyer