Quotes from Joyce Meyer
Everyone can be a 10 at something, but our problem is that we often work so hard on trying to overcome our weakness that we never develop our strengths.
- Joyce Meyer
One of the best ways to be patient is to keep your mind focused on what you are currently doing.
- Joyce Meyer
In our world today most people compromise rather than take a stand for what is right. Jesus said we would be persecuted for righteousness' sake, and most people are not up for that. Jesus also promised a reward; however, the majority of people want reward without commitment. If we do what God has asked us to do, we will get what He promised us we could have.
- Joyce Meyer
The quality of our life is greatly affected by the time we spend with God, and it should have a place of priority in our schedule.
- Joyce Meyer
Don't use people to get money and things, but be committed to using money and material goods to bless people. Rich people can do a lot of good for society if they are willing.
- Joyce Meyer
Too many commitments will keep us from developing our potential. Letting other people control us will keep us from developing our potential. Not knowing how to say no will keep us from developing our potential. Getting overly involved in someone else's goals and vision or becoming entangled in someone else's problems instead of keeping our eyes on our own goals will keep us from fulfilling our potential.
- Joyce Meyer
Commit your way to the Lord, trust also in Him and He will bring it to pass.
- Joyce Meyer
Contentment with life is not a feeling, but it is a decision we must make.
- Joyce Meyer
We can look at Joseph's example and realize through good times and bad, we must stay the course, being diligent and enthusiastic about what God brings. If He brings you to it, we must remember, He will bring you through it as well.
- Joyce Meyer
Don't be so focused on the destination that you fail to enjoy the journey.
- Joyce Meyer
the full, till it overflows)" (John 10:10). Your days can be filled with an overflowing joy that will spill into the lives of others. You can experience this joy all day if you learn to start your day right—by spending time with God, reading His Word, praying, and listening for His direction. Listening to God each morning fills you with expectancy and favor for a better day, and those days add up to a better life. The Lord wants you to have Him clearly in sight
- Joyce Meyer
I wonder how much of our mental time is spent worrying, reasoning, and fearing—possibly more than is spent on anything else. Instead of meditating on our problems, let's choose to meditate on the "alls" of God. He says you can cast "… [all your anxieties, all your worries, all your concerns, once and for all] on Him, for He cares for you…" (1 Pet. 5:7). Let us realize how unlimited His power is and trust Him to do what we cannot do.
- Joyce Meyer