Quotes from Joyce Meyer
A masterpiece is never created in a hurry.
- Joyce Meyer
That is the way we are to resist Satan when he comes to tempt us into condemnation, depression or any other wrong thing he is trying to give us.
- Joyce Meyer
The Word of God says we can be secure and confident through Jesus Christ. That means we are free to be ourselves and become all we can be in Him.
- Joyce Meyer
Trust in Him Think about an area in your life that you are making progress in. Don't focus on how far you have to go to reach your goal, but celebrate how far you have already come. Remember, God's celebrating as a proud parent every step you make—you can trust He's excited for you!
- Joyce Meyer
Lord, teach me what it means to be rooted deep in Your love and to be secure in my relationship with Jesus. You know my weaknesses and everything that seeks to control my life. You know the "fixes" that I have tried. Help me to know my freedom in Christ. Amen.
- Joyce Meyer
Don't give up on your dreams. Don't start thinking that it's not gonna happen just because it hasn't happened yet. Keep your hopes up!
- Joyce Meyer
Single women should not be made to feel they are missing something because they are not married. Married women should not be made to feel they must have a career to be complete.
- Joyce Meyer
Don't ever say, "I just cannot go on." Instead, say, "I can do whatever I need to do through Christ who strengthens me. I will never quit, because God is on my side.
- Joyce Meyer
God abundantly supplies all my needs; I will get out of debt; the Lord takes pleasure in my prosperity; God gives me favor; He opens right doors for me and closes wrong ones; God wants to bless me, and I'm willing to take it.
- Joyce Meyer
Trusting God means believing He lives in you, and all that is His is yours. Be strong and courageous and never give up, and you will have everything He wants you to have in life.
- Joyce Meyer
We can offer thanksgiving at all times—in every situation, in all things—and by so doing, enter into the victorious life Jesus died to give us. It may require a sacrifice of praise or thanksgiving, but a person who consciously takes the time to be grateful is always happier than someone who does not.
- Joyce Meyer
It is absolutely impossible to worry and live in peace at the same time. Peace is not something that can be put on a person; it is a fruit of the Spirit (see Gal. 5:22), and fruit is the result of abiding.
- Joyce Meyer