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Quotes from Joyce Meyer

You will enjoy the fulfillment of your potential when you develop it. And the way to do that is by keeping at it, refusing to quit and never giving up.
- Joyce Meyer
I like to describe worry or anxiety as spending today trying to figure out tomorrow. Let's learn to use the time God has given us for today!
- Joyce Meyer
If you are ever going to develop the potential God has put in you, you must make up your mind that you are not going to quit, no matter what, until you see manifested what God has placed within you.
- Joyce Meyer
By dwelling on how inadequate we thought we were, we are continuing to block what God has for us by not being open to receive from Him.
- Joyce Meyer
May Christ through your faith [actually] dwell (settle down, abide, make His permanent home) in your hearts! May you be rooted deep in love and founded securely on love. —EPHESIANS 3:17
- Joyce Meyer
Miracles come in cans." You can overcome. You can make it through. You can forgive. You can raise godly children. You can have a happy marriage. You can experience joy. You can meet your goal. You can be disciplined. You can move on. You can… you can… you can.
- Joyce Meyer
Walking after the flesh is depending on yourself; walking after the Spirit is depending on God.
- Joyce Meyer
God may speak to us by giving us peace deep inside, giving us a creative idea, calming our troubled emotions, or filling our hearts with the calm assurance that everything is going to be okay in a certain situation.
- Joyce Meyer
I cannot state strongly enough the need for regular exercise. Many people think they don't have time to exercise, but the truth is if you don't take the time now, you may lose more time visiting doctors and having to be inactive and unproductive because you feel bad. Exercise is one of the best sources of energy you can find!
- Joyce Meyer
First we must understand that when God calls us to do something, we should not say that we cannot do it. If God says we can, then we can! So often we speak out of our insecurities, or we verbalize what others have previously said about us, or what the devil has told us.
- Joyce Meyer
Determination keeps us going when the going gets tough.
- Joyce Meyer
Life Isn't Fair, but God Is Faithful
- Joyce Meyer