Quotes from Joyce Meyer
We can become so secure in Christ that as long as we know our heart is right, we know whatever people think of us is between them and God and not our concern. Whatever
- Joyce Meyer
Our actions are a direct result of our thoughts. If we have a negative mind, we will have a negative life. If, on the other hand, we renew our mind according to God's Word, we will, as Romans 12:2 promises, prove out in our experience "the good and acceptable and perfect will of God" for our lives.
- Joyce Meyer
Burnout makes us angry because we recognize deep down inside that being drained and exhausted is not normal. We become angry with the people pressuring us, when in reality we allow ourselves to be pressured.
- Joyce Meyer
even when you have not yet seen results.
- Joyce Meyer
You will guard him and keep him in perfect and constant peace whose mind [both its inclination and its character] is stayed on You, because he commits himself to You, leans on You, and hopes confidently in You. Isaiah 26:3 (AMPC)
- Joyce Meyer
Achieve" comes before "Believe" in the dictionary, but the order is switched in real life.
- Joyce Meyer
Notice there's nothing provided to protect our backside! That's because God never intended us to run from our enemies. His plan was and still is that, with Him at our side, we confront any issue in our life that is a problem. People are so skilled at not facing real issues, and they're even better at trying to cover them up by living make-believe lives and inventing false personalities. It is time to take a stand and confront fear!
- Joyce Meyer
Trying to solve tomorrow's problems today only steals the energy God has prearranged for you in order to enjoy today.
- Joyce Meyer
live. If you don't expect God to do anything great in your life, He won't.
- Joyce Meyer
Think about the times God has been there for you, times He has rescued you, times He has provided for you, and times He has shown you His love to be reminded that He is faithful.
- Joyce Meyer
Now faith is the assurance (the confirmation, the title deed) of the things [we] hope for, being the proof of things [we] do not see and the conviction of their reality [faith perceiving as real fact what is not revealed to the senses]. —HEBREWS 11:1 You can close your eyes and see a disaster or you can choose to see victory.
- Joyce Meyer
I know of only one way to overcome the results of a series of bad decisions, and that is through a series of good ones.
- Joyce Meyer