Quotes from Joyce Meyer
If we are trusting God to bless us through those who are in authority over us, yet we aren't praying for them - it's as if we're not praying for ourselves.
- Joyce Meyer
It's very easy to find fault with ourselves and think we need to be like someone else. Be who you are and don't try to be a copy!
- Joyce Meyer
Romans 8:1 says that, as believers, we can "live [and] walk not after the dictates of the flesh, but after the dictates of the Spirit." One of the ways you can tell if you are following the flesh (your own plan) instead of the Spirit (God's plan) is that you have no peace and you're struggling.
- Joyce Meyer
The measure [of thought and study] you give [to the truth you hear] will be the measure [of virtue and knowledge] that comes back to you—and more [besides] will be given to you who hear. Mark 4:24 What a great Scripture! It tells us that the more time we spend thinking about the Word we read
- Joyce Meyer
We need to be enthusiastic! Too many of us walk around with long faces looking and feeling worn-out. But the human heart was made for passion, for strong desire to reach for something beyond ourselves.
- Joyce Meyer
Always living in the safe zone of life and never taking chances actually makes one a thief and a robber.
- Joyce Meyer
Having a rough morning? Place your hand over your heart. Feel that? It's called purpose. You're alive for a reason.
- Joyce Meyer
May you live boldly and be all God intends you to be, and live in the fullness of the joy and beauty that you were created for.
- Joyce Meyer
Picture what could happen if a wife - instead of calling all her friends to complain about her husband - prayed to God to radically and outrageously bless him?
- Joyce Meyer
reminding Satan and yourself that you do not walk after the flesh but after the Spirit. Walking after the flesh is depending on yourself; walking after the Spirit is depending on God.
- Joyce Meyer
We become addicted to approval when we base our self-worth on how people treat us or on what we believe they think about us.
- Joyce Meyer
Lord, I hate being lulled into passivity and staying trapped when You are calling me to action. I will take responsibility for my life today and start turning my wishes into reality. Amen.
- Joyce Meyer