Quotes from Joyce Meyer
We fight many battles, but probably the greatest battle we fight is the one with ourselves.
- Joyce Meyer
I will never give up! God is on my side, He loves me, and He is helping me!
- Joyce Meyer
By the power of His blood, come against all evil spirits that hinder godly thoughts. If you feel your mind is sluggish, lazy, and unable to believe, then speak against "mind-binding spirits." Pray this way not just one time but any time you experience difficulty in this area. The devil never runs out of fiery darts to throw against us when we are trying to go forward.
- Joyce Meyer
The bottom line is that God is holding everything together.
- Joyce Meyer
I have a reverential fear of God in my life, and I think we need a lot more of that. I believe that God is God, and I believe He means business. If He tells me to do something, He means it, and when He tells me not to do something, He means it.
- Joyce Meyer
Our lives are going to be less than God's best if we are consumed with "self." Self-centeredness keeps us from seeing the needs of others and causes us to miss the blessings that come when we serve. We don't have to totally forget about our own needs. But we can chase selfishness away by not always thinking about our needs first.
- Joyce Meyer
lookout for God's love to show up in your life. Try not to miss one thing He does. God often works through people, so when someone you know does something kind for you, it is actually God loving
- Joyce Meyer
Many people will never succeed at being themselves because they cannot even get into agreement with God.
- Joyce Meyer
A lot of people let the past dictate their future. Don't do that! Get past your past. We all have a past, but we all have a future. The Bible teaches us in Ephesians 2:10 that we are recreated in Christ Jesus so we might do the good works He planned beforehand for us and live the good life He prearranged and made ready for us.
- Joyce Meyer
The psalmist said that he thought about or meditated on the precepts of God. That means that he spent a lot of time pondering and thinking on the ways of God, His instructions and His teachings. Psalm 1:3 says that the person who does this "shall be like a tree firmly planted [and tended] by the streams of water, ready to bring forth its fruit in its season; its leaf also shall not fade or wither; and everything he does shall prosper [and come to maturity].
- Joyce Meyer
If we were supposed to be looking back at where we came from, we would have eyes in the back of our head, but we don't. Our eyes are at the front of us, so we can always look forward.
- Joyce Meyer
We need to be able to step back from our situations and see them from God's perspective. Then we need to make decisions based on what we know rather than on what we feel.
- Joyce Meyer