Quotes from Joyce Meyer
Hope in the Lord
- Joyce Meyer
One of the biggest causes of stress is focusing on the negative things that are happening around us.
- Joyce Meyer
Standing up on the inside doesn't mean being rebellious or having an angry attitude toward those who don't understand us. It means having a quiet, inner confidence that takes us through to the finish line. Confidence means knowing that despite what is happening outside, everything is going to be all right because God is with you, and when He is present nothing is impossible
- Joyce Meyer
You do not have to stay in a bad situation. You get to make a choice, and that choice is 100% yours.
- Joyce Meyer
I believe God. I believe He is working in me no matter what I may feel or how the situation may look. The Lord has begun a good work in me, and He will bring it to full completion" (see Phil. 2:13; 1:6).
- Joyce Meyer
You can be called to do something that feels difficult to your flesh, but if you can get beyond your initial doubts and find that you have peace once you are doing it, then you will know that God is confirming your natural talents.
- Joyce Meyer
Confident people make it a habit to think and act positively. Therefore, they enjoy life, and they accomplish a lot.
- Joyce Meyer
to fear is to run away from something due to an unpleasant emotion or feeling that we may suffer or be harmed.
- Joyce Meyer
The mind should not be filled with reasoning, worry, anxiety, fear, and the like. It should be calm, quiet, and serene.
- Joyce Meyer
Remember that a negative mind produces a negative life.
- Joyce Meyer
Words kill, words give life; they're either poison or fruit—you choose.
- Joyce Meyer
information we need to resist him. When doubt comes, do you habitually resist the devil by reminding him that he is a liar? Do you reaffirm your faith in God by keeping a firm focus on God's promises in His Word and speaking them over your life? Or do you passively receive the thoughts of doubt and merely wish you were stronger in faith? Wishing is useless because it has nothing to base its desires on, whereas faith can rest on the promises of God.
- Joyce Meyer