Quotes from Joyce Meyer
A lot of times, people make other people responsible for their joy: 'You're not making me happy, you're not doing this, you're not doing that.'
- Joyce Meyer
Christianity is a lifestyle. And being a Christian is more than a label.
- Joyce Meyer
If you're not careful to think and speak words of faith, worry will creep in, and it will not only steal your peace and joy, it will steal your 'today.' The present is the greatest gift God ever gives us. So hold on to the peace that's yours in Christ. Don't let it go.
- Joyce Meyer
When you focus on how wonderful God is and all the great things He's done... is doing... and even will do in your life, your natural response will be praise, adoration and awe. Don't let yourself ever get used to it... stay amazed!
- Joyce Meyer
Our enemy, the devil, wants to control us, and his target is our will. The main way he tries to influence our will is through lying to us.
- Joyce Meyer
We want our marriage to be a triumph, not a tragedy.
- Joyce Meyer
There's no happier person than a truly thankful, content person.
- Joyce Meyer
Because my dad abused me, I was determined to never let a man tell me what to do. God clearly showed me that I needed to be a submissive wife if I wanted to be effective in ministry. The truth is, if we don't learn to submit to authority, we won't ever learn to submit to God.
- Joyce Meyer
Our words will either bring life and victory or death and destruction. If we want to be happy, we have to be serious about speaking words of life that line up with God's Word.
- Joyce Meyer
Obedience to God is the pathway to the life you really want to live.
- Joyce Meyer
It is amazing the quality of human beings that are in this world if we can just get past people not dressing the way we want them to dress.
- Joyce Meyer
I'm amazed sometimes by the Christians who don't really believe that God wants to help them and bless them.
- Joyce Meyer