Quotes from Joyce Meyer
You have a great God who loves you and cares about you. Be full of hope that something good can happen to you. God is a master at new beginnings. He loves fresh beginnings, He makes all things new.
- Joyce Meyer
Be hopeful at all times and walk in faith, but above all seek love an walk in it. God is love, and when we walk in love we show Him to those we come in contact with.
- Joyce Meyer
The one thing everybody's looking for is unconditional love. We all need somebody to love us just the way we are
- Joyce Meyer
If you're not at peace with yourself, you can't be at peace with anyone else.
- Joyce Meyer
Our faith is released as we say, pray and do the Word.
- Joyce Meyer
Getting organized in the normal routines of life and finishing little projects you've started is an important first step toward realizing larger goals. If you can't get a handle on the small things, how will you ever get it together to focus on the big things?
- Joyce Meyer
Place your desires before God. Pray about them and trust God to give them to you if and when they're right for you.
- Joyce Meyer
Faith is a decision we make about where we are going to put our trust.
- Joyce Meyer
Trust means we always have questions that we don't have the answers to.
- Joyce Meyer
Take a firm grasp on God's sovereignty and trust His love even when you don't understand His purpose.
- Joyce Meyer
What does God require of us? Our part is to believe. Our work is to trust the Lord. His requirement is that we let go and let God.
- Joyce Meyer
If you're missing joy and peace, you're not trusting God.
- Joyce Meyer