Quotes from Joyce Meyer
If you can manage to be thankful in every situation, really believing that God is working everything out for your good, you will end up with the victory every single time.
- Joyce Meyer
Resist the need to be 'right' all the time or to always have the last word.
- Joyce Meyer
God isn't keeping a record of each time we fall, but He is excited about our progress, and we should be excited, too!
- Joyce Meyer
Jesus is a divine guest inside of you all the time - one who loves, understands, sees and hears you. He wants to live in oneness with you... to be the centerpiece of everything you do.
- Joyce Meyer
As we regularly spend time reading God's Word and talking to Him in prayer, we put ourselves in position for Him to do things in our lives we could never do on our own.
- Joyce Meyer
Whatever is making you so angry, it's time for you to give it to God and get over it.
- Joyce Meyer
We live in a time-crunched world, and just about everything we do seems to be urgent.
- Joyce Meyer
I don't really have many hobbies but one of my favorite things to do is spend time with my family. We have fun together, and building those relationships is very important to me.
- Joyce Meyer
God is not asking us to not have anything or even to give away every single thing that we have. He is asking us to share with people who have less than us, which we do all the time.
- Joyce Meyer
One of the best ways to walk in love is to be a blessing to other people or simply to help them.
- Joyce Meyer
Real Christianity can be summed up in two commands: Love God, and love people.
- Joyce Meyer
Love and Self-control are the bookends of the fruit of the Spirit. Remove one of them and the rest fall over
- Joyce Meyer