Quotes from Joyce Meyer
If you look at your circumstances you will put off doing what God is telling you to do. It can seem like the worst time to do whatever God says to do. BUT there is an anointing on now if God has told you to act.
- Joyce Meyer
I always say believe for a bunch, and even if you only get half of it you are better off than believing for a little and getting all of it.
- Joyce Meyer
Our past may explain why we're suffering, but we must not use it as an excuse to stay in bondage.
- Joyce Meyer
We are not walking in the Word if our thoughts are opposite of what it says. We are not walking in the Word if we are not thinking in the Word.
- Joyce Meyer
frustration, complication and misery are available in abundance, but so is God's grace.
- Joyce Meyer
I was afraid to let other make any decisions, because I had no confidence they would be concerned for me.
- Joyce Meyer
Lord, what if I miss You? What if I miss You? What if I miss You? Oh, I'm so scared! God, what if I miss You? He answered simply, Joyce, don't worry; if you miss Me, I will find you.
- Joyce Meyer
The pathway to freedom begins when we face the problem without making excuses for it.
- Joyce Meyer
Today is a brand new beginning for me!
- Joyce Meyer
You can have Jesus in your spirit and an outrgeous mess in your soul, and if you don't know what that's called it's called religion. That's what it's called dead dry religion......Jesus said you are a bunch of white washed tombs full of dead men's bones, and I tell you if that didn't describe me I don't know what did, because on Sunday mornings I dressed it up and took it to church.
- Joyce Meyer
Fear makes you feel surrounded by an enemy. Faith makes you realize you are surrounded by God.
- Joyce Meyer
Satan will aggressively fight against the renewal of your mind, but it is vital that you press on and continue to pray and study in this area until you gain measurable victory.
- Joyce Meyer