Quotes from Joyce Meyer
When Jesus comes to live in our hearts, the seed of holiness is planted.
- Joyce Meyer
A lot of people don't enjoy their jobs, and it's one of the main things we like to complain about.
- Joyce Meyer
Some people have a hard time getting rid of stuff. If that's you, pray for God to give you the courage to get rid of things you don't really need or things He wants you to give away. This will help keep your surroundings organized and clutter-free.
- Joyce Meyer
Grace is the power of the Holy Spirit coming to us free of charge to enable you to do with ease what you could never do on your own with any amount of struggle and effort.
- Joyce Meyer
There is no power in your name or my name, but there is awesome power in the name of Jesus because of everything he represents.
- Joyce Meyer
We all need God's power in our lives, and prayer is the dynamic that releases His power, sometimes in dramatic ways.
- Joyce Meyer
You see, rebellion, and the disobedience it causes, keeps us from having the power of God that's available to us as Christians.
- Joyce Meyer
When you pray be sure that you listen as well as talk. You have things you want to say to God but He also has things He wants to say to you.
- Joyce Meyer
Worry increases pressure; prayer releases peace.
- Joyce Meyer
Prayer doesn't just change things - it changes us. If we are diligent in seeking God, slowly and surely we become better people.
- Joyce Meyer
Courage is fear that has said its prayers and decided to go forward anyway.
- Joyce Meyer
God's first line of defense - and offense - for every situation is prayer.
- Joyce Meyer