Quotes from Anne Graham Lotz
Just Give Me Jesus.
- Anne Graham Lotz
No discipline [wounding or pruning] seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.
- Anne Graham Lotz
Prayer helps us anchor our faith in God. It's like setting our spiritual compass so that regardless of the twists and turns during the day, the needle of our focused faith always turns to God.
- Anne Graham Lotz
God can take the ugly stains in our lives, those scars that run deep, and transform them into masterpieces of His grace and mercy that will bless others. It's time for a makeover. Even now God can turn the ugliness of sin into beauty marks. Just come to Him and ask. Surrender your scars to His gentle touch.
- Anne Graham Lotz
The organized church sometimes puts boundaries on us the Bible doesn't. So I'm living my life for an audience of one. I live my life to please God. Some people won't understand, but I don't give an account to some people.
- Anne Graham Lotz
You'll know your heart's been set aflame by the fire of revival when nothing else matters to you as much as He does — and your love for Him.
- Anne Graham Lotz
You can explore further the topic of the Trinity in the book Life in the Trinity by Dr. Donald Fairbairn, the theological reviewer of this book. He also recommends Delighting in the Trinity by Michael Reeves and The Deep Things of God by Fred Sanders.
- Anne Graham Lotz
God's love, mercy, grace, goodness, kindness, and patience do not cancel out or water down His standard of perfect holiness. There is no spectrum of holiness. It is completely black and white. Just one speck of sin, corruption, or imperfection results in impurity.
- Anne Graham Lotz
Communication is what the Holy Spirit excels in. When we don't know what to say, He does. When we don't know what to ask for, He does. When we don't know how to express the depths of our feelings, He does.
- Anne Graham Lotz
If you feel far from God right now, guess who moved? You're only a decision away from reconnecting.
- Anne Graham Lotz
But God loved Hagar. He loves those who just can't take it anymore and who run away. In fact, the Bible is filled with stories of His love for those like Hagar.
- Anne Graham Lotz
We may never have another Great Awakening in our nation until you and I stop pointing our finger at "them" and deal with the sin in our own hearts and lives.
- Anne Graham Lotz