Quotes from Anne Graham Lotz
Wounded people need to repent of their sin.
- Anne Graham Lotz
Sarah blamed her husband for a situation she herself had arranged! It might seem ludicrous if it wasn't so much like what all of us do when we allow our wounds to blind us. That's the most striking characteristic of a blind spot — it can be easily seen by everyone … except ourselves.
- Anne Graham Lotz
Wounded people may not get over their wounds easily or quickly. Wounds can be hard just to brush aside because the wounder says, "I'm sorry.
- Anne Graham Lotz
As I look back on my life, it saddens me to acknowledge that some of my most painful wounds were inflicted by religious people — Gods people.
- Anne Graham Lotz
We need to stop focusing on them and ask God to open our eyes to our own faults.
- Anne Graham Lotz
Turning around is a courageous choice —it's hard to do! It can hurt to take the plank out of your own eye, confront the past, change your focus, die to your pride, admit your wrong, deny your vengeance, face the person, risk another wound. And it takes courage to say you're sorry
- Anne Graham Lotz
Put the brakes on any runaway mental conversations you may be having with those who have wounded you.
- Anne Graham Lotz
Bitterness is like drinking poison hoping the other person gets sick.
- Anne Graham Lotz
pity parties never result in authentic benefit or blessing; they just enlarge, deepen, and intensify the wound by repeatedly exposing it. At the very least, these kinds of discussions with others will keep you focused on your hurts instead of focused on your Healer.
- Anne Graham Lotz
Even if you run from the wounders, you can't outrun God.
- Anne Graham Lotz
God loved Hagar as much as He loved Abraham!
- Anne Graham Lotz
Love is a choice — a decision we make to put the well-being of the other person before our own. And forgiveness is also a decision.
- Anne Graham Lotz