Quotes from Anne Graham Lotz
When I put my faith in Jesus Christ as my savior, and I asked him to forgive and to come into my life, and He does — from that moment forward I have established a personal relationship with God that I have to develop, you know, through Bible reading and prayer, and living my life for him.
- Anne Graham Lotz
Prayer is hard work. We may neglect it because we're too tired, too busy, or too distracted to put into prayer the effort required.
- Anne Graham Lotz
Just like you need to strengthen your core physically with exercise, you also need to strength your core spiritually.
- Anne Graham Lotz
As burned as I've been by local churches and by people who call themselves in God's name, Jesus gave us the church. It's supposed to be a community of like-minded people who encourage and strengthen each other. But that's not how it always works.
- Anne Graham Lotz
If I can center down and strengthen the core of who I am, and the core of who I am is my relationship with God, then that helps me maintain peace deep down. If I can maintain a healthy spiritual core, I think that's enormous for helping the stress.
- Anne Graham Lotz
I've had Christians treat me in a way that is so wrong and so vicious, I realized there's a difference between God's people and God.
- Anne Graham Lotz
God can change our circumstances, but sometimes He waits for us to show real desire for change as well as our faith in Him.
- Anne Graham Lotz
When Jesus says you must leave your family to follow Him, he doesn't necessarily mean physically. He means leave your dependence on them, make an emotional break with them.
- Anne Graham Lotz
Faith is like a tender plant, rooted in Christ alone, watered by the Spirit and the Word, strengthened by the winds of adversity and the sunshine of blessing.
- Anne Graham Lotz