Quotes from Robert Kiyosaki
Don't bury your failures, let them inspire you.
- Robert Kiyosaki
When you come to the boundaries of what you know, it is time to make some mistakes.
- Robert Kiyosaki
Tomorrows only exist in the minds of dreamers and losers.
- Robert Kiyosaki
Learn to invest in investments where you can achieve an honest, legal advantage over other investors. When it comes to investing, why play on a level field?
- Robert Kiyosaki
Demographics show that we are entering a battle between young and old. I call it the 'Age War.' The young want to hang onto their money to grow their families, businesses, and wealth. The old want the tax and investment dollars of the young to sustain their old age.
- Robert Kiyosaki
It's time to start thinking differently about money and debt and start the healing process - and the process toward wealth and freedom. 'Freedom from Bad Debt' can get you started.
- Robert Kiyosaki
John D. Rockefeller apparently became more of a tightwad the richer he got. I don't know if it is true, but one story I read was about one of his sons having to wear his older sister's clothes in order to save money.
- Robert Kiyosaki
Being politically correct means saying what's polite rather than what's accurate. I like to be accurate.
- Robert Kiyosaki
Bad debt is debt that makes you poorer. I count the mortgage on my home as bad debt, because I'm the one paying on it. Other forms of bad debt are car payments, credit card balances, or other consumer loans.
- Robert Kiyosaki
You can't take care of charity unless you take care of yourself first.
- Robert Kiyosaki
Something's very wrong with a nation that would rather spend money on war than take care of its children.
- Robert Kiyosaki
Leadership is what you need to learn next
- Robert Kiyosaki