Quotes from Steven Pressfield
The only items you get to keep are love for the work, will to finish, and passion to serve the ethical, creative Muse.
- Steven Pressfield
Figure out where you want to go; then work backwards from there.
- Steven Pressfield
Resistance, his all-encompassing term for what Freud called the Death Wish — that destructive force inside human nature that rises whenever we consider a tough, long-term course of action that might do for us or others something that's actually good.
- Steven Pressfield
Resistance is the enemy within.
- Steven Pressfield
The capacity for empathy and self-restraint will serve us powerfully, not only in our external wars but in the conflicts within our own hearts.
- Steven Pressfield
In this uprising we free ourselves from the tyranny of consumer culture. We overthrow the programming of advertising, movies, video games, magazines, TV, and MTV by which we have been hypnotized from the cradle. We unplug ourselves from the grid by recognizing that we will never cure our restlessness by contributing our disposable income to the bottom line of Bullshit, Inc., but only by doing our work.
- Steven Pressfield
Resistance is the most toxic force on the planet. It is the root of more unhappiness than poverty, disease, and erectile dysfunction. To yield to Resistance deforms our spirit. It stunts us and makes us less than we are and were born to be. If you believe in God (and I do) you must declare Resistance evil, for it prevents us from achieving the life God intended when He endowed each of us with our own unique genius.
- Steven Pressfield
The power to take charge was in my hands; all I had to do was believe it.
- Steven Pressfield
A professional does not take success or failure personally.
- Steven Pressfield
This very moment, we can change our lives. There never was a moment, and never will be, when we are without the power to alter our destiny.
- Steven Pressfield
Who are these pilots anyway? They get the best of everything; their demands eat up the defense budget. Can we count on them? What do they do except wear Ray-Bans and eat steaks and go home each night to sleep on clean sheets?
- Steven Pressfield
Even a blind squirrel finds an acorn every once in a while.
- Steven Pressfield