Quotes from Steven Pressfield
When Krishna instructed Arjuna that we have a right to our labor but not to the fruits of our labor, he was counseling the warrior to act territorially, not hierarchically. We must do our work for its own sake, not for fortune or attention or applause.
- Steven Pressfield
The Spartan king Agesilaus was still fighting in armor when he was eighty-two. Picasso was painting past ninety, and Henry Miller was chasing women (I'm sure Picasso was too) at eighty-nine. Once we turn pro, we're like sharks who have tasted blood, or renunciants who have glimpsed the face of God. For us, there is no finish line. No bell ends the bout. Life is the pursuit. Life is the hunt. When our hearts burst... then we'll go out, and no sooner.
- Steven Pressfield
In my view, the amateur does not love the game enough. If he did, he would not pursue it as a sideline, distinct from his "real" vocation.
- Steven Pressfield
Resistance is implacable, intractable, indefatigable.
- Steven Pressfield
The warrior and the artist live by the same code of necessity, which dictates that the battle must be fought anew every day.
- Steven Pressfield
The writer is an infantryman. He knows that progress is measured in yards of dirt extracted from the enemy one day, one hour, one minute at a time and paid for in blood. The artist wears combat boots.
- Steven Pressfield
On the field of the Self stand a knight and a dragon. You are the knight. Resistance is the dragon.
- Steven Pressfield
Then there's the third way proffered by the Lord of Discipline, which is beyond both hierarchy and territory. That is to do the work and give it to Him. Do it as an offering to God. Give the act to me. Purged of hope and ego
- Steven Pressfield
Be brave, my heart [wrote the poet and mercenary Archilochus]. Plant your feet and square your shoulders to the enemy. Meet him among the man-killing spears. Hold your ground. In victory, do not brag; in defeat, do not weep.
- Steven Pressfield
There never was a moment, and never will be, when we are without the power to alter our destiny.
- Steven Pressfield
What husband is he who abandons his wife? What wife is she taken without love? The gods demand of us action and the use of our free will! That is piety, not to buckle beneath necessity's yoke like dumb beasts!
- Steven Pressfield
It's only you and I, with our big brains and our tiny hearts, who doubt and overthink and hesitate.
- Steven Pressfield