Quotes from Herman Bavinck
The essence of the Christian religion consists in the reality that the creation of the Father, ruined by sin, is restored in the death of the Son of God, and re-created by the grace of the Holy Spirit into a kingdom of God.
- Herman Bavinck
Atheism is not proper to man by nature, but develops at a later stage of life, on the ground of philosophical reflection; like scepticism, it is an intellectual and ethical abnormality, which only confirms the rule. By nature every man believes in God.
- Herman Bavinck
The truth is of more value than empirical life: Christ sacrificed his life for it.
- Herman Bavinck
The heaven that he won for us by his atoning death presupposes a hell from which he delivered us. The eternal life he imparted to us presupposes an eternal death from which he saved us.
- Herman Bavinck
It is impossible to begin investigation without assumptions, for they all are founded on ideas and canons which have their basis in the rational and moral nature of man.
- Herman Bavinck
Theology is about God and should reflect a doxological tone that glorifies him.
- Herman Bavinck
We do not see God as he is in himself. We behold him in his works. We name him according to the manner in which he has revealed himself in his works. To see God face to face is for us impossible, at least here on earth. If, nevertheless, God wills that we should know him, he must needs descend to the level of the creature. He must needs accommodate himself to our limited, finite, human consciousness.
- Herman Bavinck
No psychology of religion can teach us what conversion is and ought to be; the Scriptures alone can tell us that.
- Herman Bavinck
If there is no infallible Scripture "there can exist only a subjective and purely individual notion of what belongs to Christian faith." All ways are good, if they but lead to faith — not to what is contained in faith, for this differs endlessly.
- Herman Bavinck
The doctrine of the divine authority of Holy Scripture constitutes an important component in the words of God that Jesus preached, and if he was mistaken on this point he was wrong at a point that is most closely tied in with the religious life and he can no longer be recognized as our highest prophet. We cannot take Jesus seriously as a teacher and reject his own teaching concerning Holy Scripture.
- Herman Bavinck
Empirical life is rooted in an a priori datum which does not come slowly into existence by mechanical development, but is a gift of God's grace, and a fruit and result of his revelation.
- Herman Bavinck
Without faith in the existence, the revelation, and the knowability of God, no religion is possible.
- Herman Bavinck