Quotes from Leonard Ravenhill
The most shattering thought I've ever had is my personal accountability to God one day
- Leonard Ravenhill
When God-given, heaven-sent revival does come, it will undo in weeks the damage that blasphemous Modernism has taken years to build.
- Leonard Ravenhill
If I don't believe the Word of God, why should you believe it? If we don't believe it, why should the world believe us?
- Leonard Ravenhill
Three things faith does: it reckons on God; it risks with God (and) it rests in God.
- Leonard Ravenhill
God doesn't answer prayer, He answers desperate prayer!
- Leonard Ravenhill
Where,oh,where are the eternity-conscious believers? Where are the souls white-hot for God because they fear His holy name and presence and so live with eternity's values in view?
- Leonard Ravenhill
The understanding soul prays; the praying soul gets understanding.
- Leonard Ravenhill
The Holy Book of the living God suffers more from its exponents today than from its opponents.
- Leonard Ravenhill
I want to so live that God doesn't have to have to give me one minute's
- Leonard Ravenhill
Only they who fulfill God's commands have a claim on the Lord.
- Leonard Ravenhill
It may be that Satan has little cause to fear most preaching. Yet past experiences sting him to rally all his infernal army to fight against God's people praying.
- Leonard Ravenhill
If you want to be popular, preach happiness. If you want to be unpopular, preach holiness.
- Leonard Ravenhill