Quotes from Leonard Ravenhill
Yet again in writing to a friend of John Smith he says, "I have often seen him come downstairs in the morning after several hours in prayer, his eyes swollen with weeping. He would soon introduce the subject of his anxiety by saying, 'I am a brokenhearted man; yes, indeed, I am an unhappy man, not for myself but on account of others. God has given me such a sight of the value of precious souls that I cannot live if souls are not saved. Oh give me souls, or else I die!
- Leonard Ravenhill
altered Asia, jaundiced the Jews, riled the Romans, taught the teachers, and pitied prison jailors. This man Paul, and another preacher called Silas, dynamited the prison walls—with prayer—and cost the taxpayers a load in order
- Leonard Ravenhill
Brethren, to our knees again,
- Leonard Ravenhill
An old Scot used to say to us, 'If He is not Lord of all, He is not Lord at all.
- Leonard Ravenhill
Only when we are thus ''dead to the world and all its toys, its idle pomp and fading joys'' can we feel the freedom that Paul knew.
- Leonard Ravenhill
Neglect of prayer is an effrontery to God, for by it we are saying that we have confidence in the flesh and can operate the spiritual life on a do-it-yourself basis.
- Leonard Ravenhill
Our praying, however, needs to be pressed and pursued with an energy that never tires, a persistency which will not be denied, and a courage which never fails. —E. M. BOUNDS
- Leonard Ravenhill
Paul was branded by passion. A man must be in the dead center of God's will and walking the tightrope of obedience to call upon the Holy Ghost to bear witness to his witness.
- Leonard Ravenhill
Do not we rest in our day too much on the arm of flesh? Cannot the same wonders be done now as of old? Do not the eyes of the Lord still run to and fro throughout the whole earth to show Himself strong on behalf of those who put their trust in Him? Oh, that God would give me more practical faith in Him! Where is now the Lord God of Elijah? He is waiting for Elijah to call on Him.
- Leonard Ravenhill
The man whose little sermon is ''repent'' sets himself against his age, and will for the time being be battered mercilessly by the age whose moral tone he challenges. There is but one end for such a man—''off with his head!' You had better not try to preach repentance until you have pledged your head to heaven. —JOSEPH PARKER
- Leonard Ravenhill
Yearly we use mountains of paper and rivers of ink reprinting dead men's brains, while the living Holy Ghost is seeking for men to trample underfoot their own learning, deflate their inflated ego,
- Leonard Ravenhill
Inspiration is as mysterious as life, for both are God-given. Life begets life by its very nature. By the same token, inspired men inspire.
- Leonard Ravenhill