Quotes from Rowan Williams
salvation does not bypass the history and memory of guilt, but rather builds upon and from it.
- Rowan Williams
If God wants [my] company, musn't we say that God wants the company of all those who have made [me] to be [me]?
- Rowan Williams
God doesn't love "even" you; though God certainly loves "even" me. Above all, God loves us, as we are together.
- Rowan Williams
Revelation is something communicated from infinite agency or reality to the finite mind. But (in Farrer's picture) this is not a matter of God just interrupting the process of the world to 'insert' something alien into the gap; it happens as a result of what happens in the world of finite agents or substances, as these finite realities are modified in their relations to one another, drawn into newly meaningful shapes.
- Rowan Williams
Without silence, we will not get any closer to knowing who we are before God.
- Rowan Williams
prayer is in significant part about resolving conflict and rivalry. If people prayed seriously they would be reconciled.
- Rowan Williams
So the Lord was with Joseph, and Joseph was a lucky fellow' was one of Tyndale's great phrases from his translation of Genesis.
- Rowan Williams
we need to bear in mind that the Reformation debate was not one between self-designated Catholics and Protestants; it was a debate about where the Catholic Church was to be found. 'Is the Pope a Catholic?' was not a joke in the sixteenth century.
- Rowan Williams
To think of myself as a body, to be conscious of myself as a body, is to be conscious of other people's consciousness.
- Rowan Williams
But the reconciliation of the world to God cannot be described as an episode in history among others; it is a change in what historical agents may hope for, think about and pray about.
- Rowan Williams
sustainable' justice ââ'¬Ã¢â‚¬œ that is, a corporate habit of relation that allows a community to believe that the security of its members does not depend entirely on contingent relations of power at any given moment.
- Rowan Williams
The Creator is that which activates a potentially unlimited set of modes in which finite agency is exercised, but is also simply what eternally is.
- Rowan Williams