Quotes from Mark Batterson
If you woke up this morning with more health than illness—you are more blessed than the million who will not survive this week ... If you have food in the refrigerator, clothes on your back, a roof overhead and a place to sleep—you are richer than 75 percent of this world ... So count your blessings and remind everyone else how blessed we all are!
- Mark Batterson
The size of prayers depends on the size of our God. And if God knows no limits, then neither should our prayers. God exists outside of the four space time dimensions He created. We should pray that way!
- Mark Batterson
The more you pray, the more you will experience holy surprises.
- Mark Batterson
When we open our spiritual eyes, we start seeing God everywhere we look. We see the image of God in others. We see His fingerprints on His creation. We see God-ordained opportunities all around us all the time.
- Mark Batterson
When God blesses you financially, don't raise your standard of living. Raise your standard of giving.
- Mark Batterson
Prayers are prophecies. They are the best predictors of your spiritual future.
- Mark Batterson
God isn't offended by big dreams; He's offended by anything less.
- Mark Batterson
Humility honors God, and God honors humility.
- Mark Batterson
Is God's voice the loudest voice in your life? That's the question. If the answer is no, that's the problem.
- Mark Batterson
Aren't you grateful for a gentle God? The Almighty could intimidate us with His outside voice, but He woos us with a whisper. And His whisper is the breath of life.
- Mark Batterson
God knows every Tom, Dick, and Harry! And He can orchestrate divine appointments with anyone, anytime, anywhere.
- Mark Batterson
Never underestimate the power of one well-timed compliment. It has the power to change a person's entire perspective on life.
- Mark Batterson