Quotes from Mark Batterson
You don't become a praying parent by default. You do it by design, by desire, by discipline. Spiritual disciplines take sheer determination, but if you determine to circle your children in prayer, you will shape their destinies, just like Susanna Wesley shaped the destinies of her children. Your prayers will live on in their lives long after you die. Your prayers for your children are the greatest legacy you can leave.
- Mark Batterson
It's not science fiction; it's fact. It's not a script; it's Scripture. It's not an accident; it's a divine appointment. Can I make a simple observation? Notice who's next to you! What you think is a seat assignment might be a divine assignment. The person two inches away may change your destiny, or you might change theirs!
- Mark Batterson
Before going wherever God wants to take you next, is there some place you need to go back to? Sometimes the way forward is backward. "The farther backward you can look," said Winston Churchill, "the farther forward you can see."
- Mark Batterson
Bold prayers honor God, and God honors bold prayers.
- Mark Batterson
But when you're insecure, your greatest asset becomes your greatest threat. Comparison will sabotage your destiny by undermining your integrity.
- Mark Batterson
Prayer is your highest privilege as a parent.
- Mark Batterson
Goals have a way of refocusing your life. They give you purpose and a target to shoot for. They are the compass of our dreams, helping us set a steady course. Goals comprise direction and progress. When we lose sight of our goals, we tend to lose sight of ourselves and who we are trying to become, who God has made us to be.
- Mark Batterson
Don't just go out and do what Dick Eastman or your spiritual hero did. That's a spiritual cop-out. Copycat spirituality is short lived.
- Mark Batterson
the reason many of us get stuck in the six cages—the cage of responsibility, the cage of routine, the cage of assumptions, the cage of guilt, the cage of failure, and the cage of fear—is for one simple reason: We want God to do something new while we keep doing the same old thing.
- Mark Batterson
Celebrate what you want to see more of. That's one way to fan into flame the gift of God.
- Mark Batterson
To believe that God speaks only through the Bible is to handcuff the God of the Bible as the Bible has revealed Him to us. Yes, Scripture provides our checks and balances.
- Mark Batterson
Life becomes an adventure when we start seeing the miraculous in the mundane. When we put feet to our passion or bear-hug a new challenge, it changes our outlook on life.
- Mark Batterson