Quotes from Mark Batterson
Convictions are lessons learned from experiences we'd never want to go through again, but wouldn't trade for anything in the world.
- Mark Batterson
The greatest tragedy in life is that some prayers go unanswered as they go unasked.
- Mark Batterson
In my experience, take the Holy Spirit out of the equation of your life and it spells boring. Add it into the equation of your life and you never know where you are going to go, what you are going to do, or who you are going to meet.
- Mark Batterson
Over the years I've grown more comfortable with making people uncomfortable because that is when growth can happen. You need a little conflict. You need a little tension. And that is part of my calling. A little tough love goes a long way!
- Mark Batterson
I think you often say more by saying less. And interestingly enough, I mean, Jesus really set the standard. I mean, he could say more with fewer words than anybody. Most of the parables were less than 250 words. And, boy, did he have some one-liners just packed with truth.
- Mark Batterson
In an urban environment, a church building is a thing of the past.
- Mark Batterson
Jesus on Twitter would have been a pretty amazing thing.
- Mark Batterson
Don't seek opportunity. Seek God and opportunity will seek you.
- Mark Batterson
Leaders need the courage to acknowledge when something isn't working.
- Mark Batterson
Quit living as if the purpose of life is to arrive safely at death.
- Mark Batterson
In every dream journey, there comes a moment when you have to quit living as if the purpose of life is to arrive safely at death.
- Mark Batterson
Part of my driving desire as a pastor is to remove every obstacle except the cross that would keep people from coming to faith in Christ.
- Mark Batterson