Quotes from Samuel Rutherford
duties are ours, events are the Lord's.
- Samuel Rutherford
Go where ye will, your soul shall not sleep sound but in Christ's bosom.
- Samuel Rutherford
what can ail faith, seeing Christ suffereth Himself (with reverence to Him be it spoken) to be commanded by it; and Christ commandeth all things.
- Samuel Rutherford
Venture through the thick of all things after Christ, and lose not your Master, Christ, in the throng of this great market.
- Samuel Rutherford
Our best fare here is hunger.
- Samuel Rutherford
I verily judge, we know not how much may be had in this life: there is yet something beyond all we see, that seeking would light upon.
- Samuel Rutherford
God knoweth that ye are His own. Wrestle, fight, go forward, watch, fear, believe, pray; and then ye have all the infallible symptoms of one of the elect of Christ within you.
- Samuel Rutherford
am just like a man who hath nothing to pay his thousands of debt; all that can be gotten of him, is to seize upon his person. Except Christ would seize upon myself, and make the readiest payment that can be of my heart and love to Himself, I have no other thing to give Him.
- Samuel Rutherford
I am just like a man who hath nothing to pay his thousands of debt; all that can be gotten of him, is to seize upon his person. Except Christ would seize upon myself, and make the readiest payment that can be of my heart and love to Himself, I have no other thing to give Him.
- Samuel Rutherford
Every day we may see some new thing in Christ. His love hath neither brim nor bottom.
- Samuel Rutherford
Faith is exceeding charitable, and believeth no evil of God.
- Samuel Rutherford
dare avouch46 to all that know God, that the saints know not the length and largeness of the sweet earnest,47 and of the sweet green sheaves before the harvest, that might be had on this side of the water, if we should take more pains: and that we all go to heaven with less earnest and lighter purses of the hoped for sum than otherwise we might do, if we took more pains to win further in upon Christ in this pilgrimage of our absence from Him.
- Samuel Rutherford