Quotes from Samuel Rutherford
No created powers can mar our Lord Jesus' music, nor spill our song of joy. Let us then be glad and rejoice in the salvation of our Lord
- Samuel Rutherford
Every man by nature is a freeman born; by nature no man cometh out of the womb under any civil subjection to king, prince, or judge.
- Samuel Rutherford
Show yourself a Christian by suffering without murmuring. In patience possess your soul - they lose nothing who gain Christ.
- Samuel Rutherford
I pray God that I may never find my will again. Oh, that Christ would subject my will to His, and trample it under His feet.
- Samuel Rutherford
Set not your heart upon the world, since God hath not made it your portion.
- Samuel Rutherford
Your heart is not the compass that God steers by.
- Samuel Rutherford
My dear brother, let God make of you what He will, He will end all with consolation, and shall make glory out of your suffering.
- Samuel Rutherford
Through many afflictions we must enter into the kingdom of God ... It is folly to think to steal to heaven with a whole skin.
- Samuel Rutherford
There is nothing left to us but to see how we may be approved of Him, and how we may roll the weight of our weak souls in well-doing upon Him, who is God omnipotent.
- Samuel Rutherford
If Christ Jesus be the periode, the end and the lodging-home at the end of your journey, there is no fear ye go to a friend . . . ye may look death in the face with joy.
- Samuel Rutherford
We take nothing to the grave with us, but a good or evil conscience... It is true, terrors of conscience cast us down; and yet without terrors of conscience we cannot be raised up again.
- Samuel Rutherford
I have been benefited by praying for others; for by making an errand to God for them I have gotten something for myself.
- Samuel Rutherford