Quotes from Tony Evans
Our wives are like mirrors, reflecting back to us what kinds of husbands we are.
- Tony Evans
Obeying the will of God takes priority over satisfying cultural expectations.
- Tony Evans
CHURCH is like a hospital. It's where people who are sick, broken, bruised, beaten, and battered with life because of sin and unrighteousness come for help. It's okay if you are here and don't have all your life together. If you had all your life together, you wouldn't need to be here. However, hospitals do not tolerate sick people hanging around who don't want to get better. No doctor is going to keep fooling with a patient
- Tony Evans
If you align your thoughts and your desires underneath His comprehensive rule over every area of your life, you will walk in peace. He will calm your heart and your mind by giving you peace.
- Tony Evans
Putting on the shoes of peace can help you make good choices. God says when you allow His peace to rule your life, He will call the shots. When you're worrying about what you're supposed to do, He will calm your heart and your mind by giving you peace.
- Tony Evans
Tenacious prayer is a lifestyle that produces results.
- Tony Evans
A friend is someone who gets in your way when you are on your way down.
- Tony Evans
If all you see is what you see, you will never see all that there is to be seen. Since
- Tony Evans
When we allow our faith to be defined by our feelings, we will be confused. Faith must have an objective standard by which it is defined—truth. In fact, when faith operates by an objective standard of truth, it will eventually dictate our emotions rather than the reverse.
- Tony Evans
It's interesting that, there really is no Proverbs 31 for men in the Bible. Men need the whole Bible, women need a chapter.
- Tony Evans
A woman who wants to be the head of her home invites the Devil to take over her family. And the Devil has taken over many homes because the wife has refused to submit to the legitimate, biblical authority of her husband. The result is spiritual sickness and dysfunction.
- Tony Evans
Faith is acting as if God is telling the truth. It is acting as if something is true even when it doesn't appear to be true in order that it might be shown to be true simply because God said it's true.
- Tony Evans