Quotes from Tony Evans
This is why everyone must "work out" his or her own salvation (see Philippians 2:12).
- Tony Evans
Any man who has to wear another man's name on the back of his shirt may need to ask himself how he views his own manhood.
- Tony Evans
The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack of will. —Vince Lombardi, What It Takes to Be Number One
- Tony Evans
many men have come to view the church as a task to be done rather than a community to be in.
- Tony Evans
A kingdom man is the kind of man that when his feet hit the floor each morning the devil says, "Oh crap, he's up!
- Tony Evans
Getting into God's kingdom comes by way of the process known as conversion, but getting God's kingdom to visibly manifest itself in the daily abundant life comes through your commitment.
- Tony Evans
If you could be a fly on the wall of my office the numerous times I counsel married couples, you would hear the same word I hear over and over and over again: Trapped. I can't tell you how many times I've been asked to help married couples not feel so trapped. One husband came to me after only six months of marriage, already saying he felt trapped and wanted out.
- Tony Evans
It's about becoming men of character, commitment, power, and influence for Jesus Christ.
- Tony Evans
Christian leaders have leveraged our men to build church buildings and run church programs, but we have failed to disciple them in what it means to be about the kingdom. Nothing is wrong with church buildings—as long as those within it aim to use the available resources strategically to advance God's kingdom.
- Tony Evans
He certainly didn't need Abram and Sarai to help Him give them a child. After all, His name is El Shaddai—He is both the Creator and sustainer of life. And He loves to manifest Himself in the context of the impossible.
- Tony Evans
A kingdom man is a man who visibly demonstrates the comprehensive rule of God underneath the Lordship of Jesus Christ in every area of his life. —Tony Evans, Kingdom Man
- Tony Evans
Every other institution in society is built on the family. If the family disintegrates, those institutions that depend on strong families will disintegrate as well. Once that happens, there is no law you can pass that will make up for the devastation. There is no program you can institute that will fix what happens to people when a home is shattered. There is no politician you can elect who can bring harmony and social order when the family is decimated.
- Tony Evans