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Quotes from Tony Evans

God will often allow us to be in a situation with no possible solution. This is so we can discover that He is our solution. He lets us hit rock bottom in order for us to learn that He is the Rock at the bottom. He'll put us between a rock and hard placeā€”a situation that seems confusing, incongruent, and chaotic. And He will often do this when He's getting ready to reveal something new about Himself to us
- Tony Evans
a man is defined biblically as "a male who has learned to submit his maleness to the lordship of Jesus Christ.
- Tony Evans
Our founding fathers' failure to apply the principles of freedom that they were espousing to the area of race is a prominent reason why many minority individuals today are less than enthusiastic to join in with those in our nation who want to exalt or restore America's history and heritage. God's kingdom does
- Tony Evans
A kingdom single is defined as an unmarried Christian who is committed to fully and freely maximizing his or her completeness under the rule of God and the lordship of Jesus Christ.
- Tony Evans
Your calling is the customized life purpose God has ordained and equipped you to accomplish in order to bring Him the greatest glory and achieve the maximum expansion of His kingdom.
- Tony Evans
Husbands should not be in the marriage first and foremost to get their needs met, but rather they should first look out for the interests and needs of their wives. A husband's love should be characterized by sacrifice for the good of his wife.
- Tony Evans
We live in a culture that has switched the tags on greatness. It has put a lot of value on the flashy lifestyle while putting only $99 on character. Our culture has put a lot of value on cars and careers but only ten cents on integrity, family, and impact.
- Tony Evans
In God's economy, the way up the ladder is down it. The rise to celebrity starts on your knees with a basin, a towel, and a humble heart.
- Tony Evans
Every day I have to make a decision to choose faith over fear, faith over anxiety, faith over anger and doubt.
- Tony Evans
God commands a wife to respect her husband. This word means to hold in high esteem, to lift up. It's closely connected with the word "reverence." Ladies, what your husband needs and craves from you more than anything else is respect. While you love to hear, "I love you," we men want and need to hear, "I respect you.
- Tony Evans
The problem with race in America is not fundamentally a problem of skin. It is a problem of sin. It is a problem in that people have not been willing to address the sin that has led to a division among skin as we hold tenaciously to our cultures. Our backgrounds and preferences are legitimate, but when they overrule God, that's when Jesus says, "You are wrong.
- Tony Evans
It is bad enough if a young man does not have a biological father to mentor him and help him grow, but when there is no spiritual father as well, he is fatherless twice. When a boy or a man is fatherless twice, he doubly misses out on receiving the blessing that he needs in his life.
- Tony Evans