Quotes from Tony Evans
Thus marriage, like the Trinity, is a hierarchical partnership. While all parties are equal in value, essence, and significance, there is a distinction in function (hierarchy) in order to fulfill God's kingdom agenda in history.
- Tony Evans
All who want to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted" (2 Tim 3:12). So if a believer experiences no form of persecution, it may mean that he or she doesn't have a faith worth persecuting. Don't be a secret agent Christian: go public with your trust in Christ.
- Tony Evans
Let your words and actions be seasoned with encouragement so others are stronger after being with you.
- Tony Evans
The Lord is a personal Shepherd, a right-now God.
- Tony Evans
When you hang on to the weight of yesterday, it will hinder the progress to tomorrow.
- Tony Evans
But let us keep in mind Philippians 2:13: "It is God who is at work in you, both to will and to work for His good pleasure." When your will is combined with God's will, He gives you the power to do what your will is telling you you ought to do. You are not fighting this battle alone. You have tremendous power available to you in Christ.
- Tony Evans
A man once told me, "Tony, my wife is killing me." I replied, "Well, you said you wanted to be more like Jesus, didn't you?
- Tony Evans
rather than the other; because everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, but the one who humbles himself will be exalted."b
- Tony Evans
The closer God and His rule are tied to the definition of marriage, the more order, productivity, and fulfillment are experienced in our marriages. The further away God and His rule are, the more chaos occurs in the home.
- Tony Evans
If the Lord is your Shepherd, He will meet all your needs. By allowing Him to freely do this for us, we can rest assured that whatever possible need arises, our Good Shepherd is sure to be there.
- Tony Evans
But if you will keep your eyes focused on God's purpose for you, not your pain, God will use your trials for your good and His glory. He works all things together for good when you love Him and live according to your calling. No pain or experience is wasted when you are a child of the King.
- Tony Evans
The first step to overcoming the past is realizing that no matter what others do to you, if the Lord is with you, you can still get somewhere. So
- Tony Evans