Quotes from Tony Evans
Here's an idea you can use in your witnessing as people throw out their objections to believing in God. Many will say, 'God isn't fair, and I'm glad. If He were fair, you and I wouldn't be here today. We'd be in hell. What we really need is not God's fairness, but His mercy.
- Tony Evans
In essence, God let Moses know that even when people aren't able to fulfill the calling on their lives, if they will recognize Him as Adonai, He can make them fully capable. God doesn't always call the equipped, but He always equips the called.
- Tony Evans
Many believers today don't realize that even though we received the Holy Spirit when we trusted in Christ for salvation from our sins, the ongoing dwelling of the Holy Spirit's presence is something we need to seek on a regular basis. Just as driving your car is difficult if it's running on fumes, living the victorious Christian life is impossible without the flame of the Spirit burning bright.
- Tony Evans
Women who want to please the Lord in their marriages often must ignore the people on the other side of the glass. That's because what God is telling them in His Word may go against what many of their friends are telling them and what the television is telling them. But none of us is here to please the onlookers.
- Tony Evans
doing life God's way is the secret to healing and freedom from the trappings that often weigh us down.
- Tony Evans
want to assure you that regardless of what you're facing today, God is a God of hope, and He will provide a way for you to experience victory in
- Tony Evans
Satan seeks to capture your thoughts because they are what will trigger your emotions, which in turn influence your actions. Thus, addictions are prolonged through emotional manipulations.
- Tony Evans
When God secures your victory in His name, have confidence that His name also has the power to give you back what "the swarming locust has eaten" (Joel 2:25). God's name covers all: past, present, and future. But it especially covers the giants that taunt you in your life. Trust Jehovah Tsaba. He's got you covered.
- Tony Evans
The God who allows sorrows is the God of sweet new seasons too.
- Tony Evans
Give me the fingers of Mozart, and there is no musical piece I cannot play. Give me the mind of Einstein, and there is no mathematical formula I cannot unravel. Give me the arms of Hank Aaron, and there is no home run I cannot hit. Give me the life of Jesus Christ, and there is no victory I cannot achieve.
- Tony Evans
what makes a marriage strong is loving with a biblical love grounded in patience, kindness, loyalty, grace, and more, which is in alignment with God's covenantal purpose for marriage.
- Tony Evans
To know God's names is to experience His nature, and that level of intimacy is reserved for those who humbly depend on Him. God will not share His glory with another. We must humble ourselves if we really want to know Him. We must realize our insignificance before we can recognize the significance that comes only through Him. We are to hallow His name and His name alone. You can't know His names until you forget your own.
- Tony Evans