Quotes from Henry Ward Beecher
The great lever by which to raise and save the world is the unbounded love and mercy of God.
- Henry Ward Beecher
God's sovereignty is not in His right hand; God's sovereignty is not in His intellect; God's sovereignty is in His love.
- Henry Ward Beecher
Nothing goes far which has not the wings of love to make it buoyant, so that it can fly.
- Henry Ward Beecher
You cannot sift out the poor from the community. The poor are indispensable to the rich.
- Henry Ward Beecher
Defeat is a school in which truth always grows strong.
- Henry Ward Beecher
A lie always needs a truth for a handle to it.
- Henry Ward Beecher
No man rides so high and in such good company as the man that allies himself to a truth.
- Henry Ward Beecher
Theology is but our ideas of truth classified and arranged.
- Henry Ward Beecher
Even a liar tells a hundred truths to one lie; he has to, to make the lie good for anything.
- Henry Ward Beecher
Many yet are the secret truths of God which will be unfolded as they are needed.
- Henry Ward Beecher
A lie always needs a truth for a handle to it. The worst lies are those whose blade is false, but whose handle is true.
- Henry Ward Beecher
There never was a liar that had not a spot in him where he could not help admiring truth.
- Henry Ward Beecher