Quotes from Thomas Watson
Better to lose our lives than the purpose of our living.
- Thomas Watson
Why are Christians so disquieted in their minds? They are taking care when they should be casting care.
- Thomas Watson
Many are called, but few chosen " (Matt. xx. 16). This external call is insufficient to salvation, yet sufficient to leave men without excuse.
- Thomas Watson
We shall never go to heaven when we die—unless we are in heaven while we live.
- Thomas Watson
Piety does not exclude industry.
- Thomas Watson
He that commands us, will enable us.
- Thomas Watson
We are never more precious in gods eyes than when we are lepers in our own.
- Thomas Watson
After a bitter pill, God gives sugar.
- Thomas Watson
The hypocrite suspects others of sin but has charitable thoughts of himself! The sincere Christian has charitable thoughts of others and suspects himself of sin.
- Thomas Watson
None ever complained of serving God: it was their comfort and their crown on their death-bed.
- Thomas Watson
David was so pure in heart that he was a man after God's heart (Act 13:22). Abraham was so purified by faith that he was one of God's cabinet-counsel[51] (Gen 18:17). Moses was so holy that God spoke with him face to face.
- Thomas Watson
A believer triumphs more in the righteousness of Christ imputed, than if he had Adam's righteousness in innocency, nay, than if he had the angels' righteousness, for now he hath the righteousness of God. "That we might be made the righteousness of God in him.
- Thomas Watson