Quotes from Thomas Watson
Love is a holy fuel. It fires the affections, steels the courage, and carries a Christian above the love of life, and the fear of death.
- Thomas Watson
We should pray that God would enrich his ordinance with his presence; that he would make the sacrament effectual to all those holy ends and purposes for which he hath appointed it; that it may be the feast of our graces, and the funeral of our corruptions; that it may not only be a sign to represent, but an instrument to convey, Christ to us, and a seal to assure us of our heavenly jointure [union].
- Thomas Watson
The glory we give God is nothing else but our lifting up his name in the world, and magnifying him in the eyes of others. Phil 1:10. Christ shall be magnified in my body.
- Thomas Watson
Worry that is either untrusting or distracting is very dishonorable to God. It
- Thomas Watson
Faith and fear go hand in hand. When the soul looks at God's holiness, he fears. When he looks at God's promises, he believes. A godly man trembles—yet trusts. Fear preserves reverence, faith preserves cheerfulness. Fear keeps the soul from lightness, faith keeps it from sadness.
- Thomas Watson
Leave not off reading the Bible till you find your hearts warmed. Read the word, not only as a history, but labor to be affected with it. Let it not only inform you, but inflame you.
- Thomas Watson
The main proposition I insist on is this: that a gracious spirit is a contented spirit. The doctrine of contentment is very important; for until we have learned this, we have not learned to be Christians.
- Thomas Watson
God's method in calling sinners may vary, but the effect is still the same.
- Thomas Watson
If, when God speaks to us in his word, we are deaf, when we speak to him in prayer, he will be dumb.
- Thomas Watson
Question: But why do people content themselves with a show of godliness? Answer: This helps to keep up their fame. Men are ambitious of credit, and wish to gain repute in the world, therefore they will dress themselves in the garb and mode of religion, so that others may write them down for saints. But alas, what is one the better for having others commend him—and his conscience condemn him? What good will it do a man when he is in hell—that others think he has gone to heaven?
- Thomas Watson
God's providence, which is nothing but the fulfillment of His decree, should be a guarantee and an opposing force against discontent. In His wisdom, God has set us in our current station.
- Thomas Watson
Affliction may leap on us as the viper did on Paul, but at last it shall be shaken off.
- Thomas Watson