Quotes from Thomas Watson
He who has no love in his heart to God, you may set him down for an apostate.
- Thomas Watson
Jesus Christ is a lily of the valley, Song of Solomon 2:1, not of the mountains.
- Thomas Watson
When men have hearts of stone and foreheads of brass—it is a sign that the devil has taken full possession of them.
- Thomas Watson
A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you . . . I will be your God" (Ezek. 36:26,28).
- Thomas Watson
Prayer is the spiritual pulse of the soul, by which it beats strongly after God.
- Thomas Watson
This light does that which no other light can. It makes a man perceive himself to be blind.
- Thomas Watson
A godly man puts a kind interpretation upon providence.
- Thomas Watson
The ship which lies at anchor may sometimes be a little shaken—but never sinks; flesh and blood may have its fears and disquiets—but grace keeps them afloat. A Christian, having cast anchor in heaven, his heart never sinks.
- Thomas Watson
It was a witty fiction of the poets, that when Mercury had cast Argus into a sleep and with an enchanted wand closed his eyes, he then killed him. When Satan has by his witcheries lulled men asleep in sloth, then he destroys them. Some report that while the crocodile sleeps with its mouth open, the Indian rat gets into its belly and eats up its entrails. So while men sleep in security they are devoured.
- Thomas Watson
In heaven we will need no repentance, because we will have no sin. We will not need faith, because we will see God face to face. But love to God will abide forever. Love never fails (1 Corinthians 13:8).
- Thomas Watson
Just so, Christ puts the finger of mercy upon the scars of the saints! He will not throw away his pearls for every speck of dirt! That which makes this love of Christ the more stupendous, is that there was nothing in us to excite or draw forth his love! He did not love us because we were worthy—but by loving us he made us worthy!
- Thomas Watson
you speak of true honor, it is to be born of God; if of true valor, it is to fight the good fight of faith; if of true delight, it is to have joy in the Holy Spirit. Oh, then, espouse godliness! Here reality is to be had. Of other things we may say, "They comfort in vain!" (Zech. 10:2)
- Thomas Watson