Quotes from Thomas Watson
Conscience is a bosom-preacher. Sometimes it convinces, sometimes it reproves.. But men imprison this preacher, and God says to conscience, Preach no more: "he which is filthy, let him be filthy still!" (Rev 22:11). This is a fatal sign that a man's day of grace has past.
- Thomas Watson
The more work we do for God, the more willing we shall be to die, and the sweater death will be.
- Thomas Watson
Grace breeds delight in God, and delight breeds meditation. Meditation is a duty wherein consists the essentials of religion, and which nourishes the very life-blood of it.
- Thomas Watson
Let us show ourselves godly by being more spiritual in duty. It is not the quantity, but the quality which God is concerned with. It is not how much we do but how well.
- Thomas Watson
Meditation is the chewing upon the truths we have heard. The beasts in the old law which did not chew the cud were unclean; the professing Christian who does not by meditation chew the cud, is to be accounted unclean. Meditation is like the watering of the seed; it makes the fruits of grace to flourish.
- Thomas Watson
the spiritualizing of duty gives life to it. Without this it is only dead praying, dead hearing—and dead things are not pleasing. A dead flower has no beauty, a dead breast has no sweetness.
- Thomas Watson
is a command of God to pray without ceasing, 1 Thess. 5:17. The meaning is—not that we should be always praying—but that we should every day set some time apart for prayer.
- Thomas Watson
As David's three worthies ventured their lives, and brake through the host of the Philistines for water, 2 Sam. xxiii. 46, — Such a kind of violence must we use, breaking through all dangers for obtaining the 'water of life.
- Thomas Watson
Where does Christ rule as king? His kingdom is spiritual. He rules in the hearts of men. He sets up his throne where no other king does; he rules the will and affections; his power binds the conscience; he subdues men's lusts. "He will subdue our iniquities." Mic 7:19.
- Thomas Watson
Men begin by sinning against the light of conscience, and proceed gradually to despiting the Spirit of grace.
- Thomas Watson
Love is an industrious affection; it sets the head studying for God, hands working, feet running in the ways of his commandments.
- Thomas Watson
Let us beg from God, a spiritual palate to relish a sweetness in holy things. For lack of spiritual hearts, we come to duty without delight, and go away without profit!
- Thomas Watson