Quotes from Thomas Watson
all. First, it concerns rich men. You would not think that it would be necessary to tell rich men to be content, whom God has blessed with great possessions, but, instead, persuade them to be humble and thankful. But
- Thomas Watson
They that seek the LORD shall not want [lack] any good thing' (Psalm 34:10). If it is good for us, we shall have it; if it is not good for us, then the withholding of it is good.
- Thomas Watson
Indeed faith deals with invisibles, but God hates that love which is invisible.
- Thomas Watson
Can the spouse be better than in her husband's company? Where can the soul be better than in drawing near to God?
- Thomas Watson
This sin cleaves to us as a leprosy. This original pollution makes us guilty before the Lord; and even though we would never commit actual sin, it merits hell. The meditation of this would be a means to pull down our pride. -- Nay, even those who have grace have cause to walk humbly be- cause they have more corruption in them than grace: their dark side is broader than their light.
- Thomas Watson
How far from godliness, are those who are unspiritual in their worship, who do not do duties from a renewed principle and with the utmost intention of soul—but merely to stop the mouth of conscience! Many people look no further than the bare doing of duties—but never heed how they are done. God does not judge our duties by their length—but by love.
- Thomas Watson
Such as make the sacrament only a representation of Christ do aim short of the mystery, and come short of the comfort.
- Thomas Watson
A godly man is on the mount of prayer every day. He begins the day with prayer. Before he opens his shop—he opens his heart to God! We burn sweet incense in our houses; a godly man's house is "a house of incense"; he airs it with the incense of prayer. He engages in no business without seeking God. A godly man consults God in everything; he asks God's permission and his blessing.
- Thomas Watson
Glorifying God has respect to all the persons in the Trinity; it respects God the Father who gave us life; God the Son, who lost his life for us; and God the Holy Ghost, who produces a new life in us; we must bring glory to the whole Trinity.
- Thomas Watson
Where there is union in fundamentals, there ought to be union in affections.
- Thomas Watson
Are these the duties I required? I called for the heart and spirit and you bring nothing but the carcass of duty. Should I receive this?" "The Lord says These people come near to me with their mouth and honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me." Isaiah 29:13
- Thomas Watson
To seem to be zealous, if it be not according to the word, is not obedience, but will-worship.
- Thomas Watson