Quotes from Thomas Watson
love 'thinketh no evil.' 1 Cor 13: 5. It puts the best interpretation upon another's words.
- Thomas Watson
Oh, Christian, if you are overspread with this fretting leprosy, you carry the man of sin about you, for you set yourself above God and act as if you were wiser than He, and would sassily prescribe to Him what condition is best for you.
- Thomas Watson
God so values his people that he will give kingdoms for their ransom (Isaiah 43:3); He put his best Jewel (Christ) in pawn for them (John 3:16).
- Thomas Watson
Three wishes Paul had, and they were all about Christ; that he might be found in Christ, be with Christ, and magnify Christ.
- Thomas Watson
A godly man will forgive those who have wronged him Revenge is sweet to nature. A gracious spirit passes by affronts, forgets injuries and counts it a greater victory to conquer an enemy by patience than by power. It is truly heroic "to overcome evil with good" (Romans 12:21). Though I would not trust an enemy—yet I would endeavor to love him. I would exclude him from my creed—but not from my prayer (Matt. 5:44).
- Thomas Watson
As no flattery can heal a bad conscience, so no slander can hurt a good one.
- Thomas Watson
As our sin is ever before us, so God's promise must be ever before us. As we much feel our sting, so we must look up to Christ, our "brazen serpent" (Num 21:8-9).
- Thomas Watson
is the soul's retiring of itself, that by a serious and solemn thinking upon God, the heart may be raised up to heavenly affections.
- Thomas Watson
Some complain they find no benefit by the word preached; perhaps they did not pray for their minister as they should.
- Thomas Watson
The God whom we worship is holy, the work we are employed in is holy, the place we hope to arrive at is holy; all this calls for holiness.
- Thomas Watson
Do they think the tree of blessing will drop its fruit into their mouth when they never shook it by prayer? God does not set His mercies at so low a rate as to cast them away upon those who do not seek them, Ezekiel 36:37.
- Thomas Watson
The holiness of the saints will not excuse them from sufferings.
- Thomas Watson