Quotes from Vincent Van Gogh
I thought of the lines, 'And come the evening of my life, Worn out with care and strife I will, For each day granted me on earth, The air with praises to Thee fill.' Goodbye, a handshake in my thoughts, Your very loving brother Vincent
- Vincent Van Gogh
They are vast stretches of corn under troubles skies, and I did not need to go out of my way to try to express sadness and the extreme of loneliness...I almost think that these canvases will tell you what I cannot say in words, the health and fortifying power that I see in the country.
- Vincent Van Gogh
In the midst of life we are near death, that is a phrase which touches each one of us personally, it is a truth we see again confirmed in what you tell me about Carolien van Stockum, and formerly we saw it in another member of the same family. It has touched me, and with all my heart I hope she may recover. Oh! what sorrow, what sadness and suffering there is in the world, in public as well as in private life.
- Vincent Van Gogh
It is an old faith and it is a good faith that our life is a pilgrims progress - that we are strangers in the earth, but that though this be so, yet we are not alone for our Father is with us. We are pilgrims, our life is a long walk or journey from earth to heaven.
- Vincent Van Gogh
According to Theo, he is definitely making a name for himself. But we are under no illusions, and are only too grateful that he is having some slight success. You don't know what a hard life he has had, and who can say what is still in store for him. His disappointments have often made him fell bitter and have turned him into an unusual person.
- Vincent Van Gogh
exchanging pictures with other artists. In one word, with much energy, with a sincere personal feeling of colour in nature I would say an artist can get on here notwithstanding the many obstructions. And I intend remaining here still longer.
- Vincent Van Gogh
Because in a time of financial crisis like the present, money is what ammunition is to a soldier in a hostile country - don't let's waste our powder.
- Vincent Van Gogh
I shall have to produce an enormous number of things against next year - when the World's Fair will be held - seeing that my friends will not fail to have many interesting things on hand by then. Not that I myself or any of the painters I hold regular or special intercourse with are going to exhibit along with the others, but it is to be expected that there will be a free exhibition besides the official one. Now, for
- Vincent Van Gogh
the fear of madness passes from me considerably upon seeing from close at hand those who are affected with it, as I may very easily be in the future.
- Vincent Van Gogh
Now and then when I am writing, I automatically do a small drawing, such as I sent you lately. I did one this morning representing Elijah in the desert under an orange sky, with some hawthorns in the foreground. It is nothing special, but I see it all so clearly before me, and I think that at such moments I could speak about it enthusiastically - may it be given me to do so later on.
- Vincent Van Gogh
There was enough reason for it too, as the whole of France was shaken. Certainly in our eyes the election and its results and its representatives are only symbols. But what it proves once more is that worldly ambition and fame pass away, but the human heart beats the same to this day, in as perfect sympathy with the past of our buried forefathers as with the generation to come.
- Vincent Van Gogh
Moreover, the material problems of the painter's life make it desirable that painters should collaborate and unite (much as they did in the days of the Guilds of St. Luke). If only they would ensure their material well-being, and love one another like friends instead of making one another's life hell, painters would be happier, and in any case less ridiculous, less foolish and less culpable.
- Vincent Van Gogh