Quotes from William James
Of all the beautiful truths pertaining to the soul None is more gladdening or fruitful than to know You can regenerate and make yourself what you will.
- William James
Our belief at the beginning of a doubtful undertaking is the one thing that assures the successful outcome of any venture.
- William James
Our minds thus grow in spots and like grease spots, the spots spread. But we let them spread as little as possible we keep unaltered as much of our old knowledge, as many of our old prejudices and beliefs, as we can.
- William James
The difference between a good man and a bad man is the choice of cause.
- William James
The whole drift of my education goes to persuade me that the world of our present consciousness is only one out of many worlds of consciousness that exist.
- William James
There is no worse lie than a truth misunderstood by those who hear it.
- William James
The art of being wise is knowing what to overlook.
- William James
The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another.
- William James
If you can change your mind, you can change your life.
- William James
The great use of life is to spend it for something that will outlast it.
- William James
Human beings, by changing the inner attitudes of their minds, can change the outer aspects of their lives.
- William James
Real servants don't try to use God for their purposes. They let God use them for His purposes.
- William James