Quotes from Les Brown
It's possible, that's all you need to remember
- Les Brown
Dr. Michael Kelley said, "You must be willing to do the things today that others won't do, in order to have the things tomorrow that others won't have." People who are HUNGRY don't let life define them—they define themselves!
- Les Brown
We may be through with our past, but the past isn't through with us.
- Les Brown
The imagination is the only part of us that cannot be shackled. It is the irreducible essence of who we are, and it is that which allows us to see into our future. Einstein said, "The imagination is the preview of what is to come.
- Les Brown
Never let someone else's opinion of you become your reality.
- Les Brown
As long as your heart is open to the possibilities, you will find that whatever you're seeking is also seeking you!
- Les Brown
Mark Twain stated, "The two most important days in your life are the day you were born, and the day you realize why you were born.
- Les Brown
Life is the gift that keeps on giving. Appreciate that blessing for what it is.
- Les Brown
Book of Life says, "Where your heart is, there your treasure is also."
- Les Brown
People who are HUNGRY go for their dream, against all odds. They believe as Dexter Yager who said, "If the dream is big enough, the odds don't matter!
- Les Brown
The Book of Life says, "As a man thinketh, so is he, and as he continues to think, so he remains."6 Earl Nightingale asked the question: "What's wrong with men today?" He answered the question by saying, "Men simply don't think!" Not only do we often not think, but even when we do think, we think with the world mind. This is why we must re-think our lives!
- Les Brown
Don't let someone else's opinion of you become your reality.
- Les Brown