Quotes from Andy Stanley
People pray in one direction but they walk in a different direction, and direction always determines where we end up.
- Andy Stanley
Guys that preach verse-by-verse through books of the Bible - that is just cheating. It's cheating because that would be easy, first of all. That isn't how you grow people. No one in the Scripture modeled that.
- Andy Stanley
If you're a preacher's kid, you see the church differently.
- Andy Stanley
The value of a life is always measured by how much of it is given away.
- Andy Stanley
The primary reason we do too much is that we have never taken the time to discover that portion of what we do that makes the biggest difference.
- Andy Stanley
Every arena of life intersects with what's going on in our hearts. Everything passes through on its way to wherever it's going. Everything.
- Andy Stanley
The direction you are currently traveling—relationally, financially, spiritually, and the list goes on and on—will determine where you end up in each of those respective arenas.
- Andy Stanley
Good excuses rarely collect dust. We use them, and use them, and use them.
- Andy Stanley
Any fear associated with giving to God's kingdom is irrational. It's on par with a farmer who, out of fear of losing his seed, refuses to plant his fields.
- Andy Stanley
As believers, we all have the responsibility to leverage our wealth for kingdom purposes.
- Andy Stanley
One of the primary reasons we don't seek counsel from the wise people around us is that we already know what we are going to hear--and we just don't want to hear it.
- Andy Stanley
prudent people look as far down the road as possible when making decisions.
- Andy Stanley