Quotes from Andy Stanley
I tell the girls in our student ministry, "You don't really want sex. What you want is intimacy. You want to meet a guy, fall in love, and know you can trust him completely. You want somebody with whom you can share everything there is to know about you without fear of betrayal or rejection. You want to be fully known and to know him fully. Purity now paves the way to intimacy later.
- Andy Stanley
You were not, are not, and should be glad you're not included in that covenant.
- Andy Stanley
The church is not here to win. Just the opposite. By every human measure, our Savior lost. On purpose. With a purpose.
- Andy Stanley
Likewise, most of the world goes to bed at night under the assumption that if they were to die in their sleep, they would find themselves standing at the pearly gates. After all, good people go to heaven. And just about everybody thinks they are good.
- Andy Stanley
If there's an area in your life where you tell yourself, "I know this is wrong, but I'm going to do it anyway, and probably repeat it," Solomon would answer, "In that area of your life, you're a fool."
- Andy Stanley
Don't be so concerned about keeping the folks you've got, that you neglect the folks you're trying to reach.
- Andy Stanley
Mockers are cynical, critical, condescending, and controlling. You always feel off balance around them. You never know where you stand. They always try to come across as the smartest person in the room, and they use that supposed knowledge to try to dominate and manipulate their world and their relationships.
- Andy Stanley
The tendency in business, or in church work for that matter, is to mistake activity for progress. We think that just because people are busy and doing a lot of stuff that we are being successful. The fact of the matter is, if all that activity isn't taking you where you want to go, then it's just wasted time.
- Andy Stanley
If a teenage guy tends to overreact when he fails, there is a pretty good chance he thinks his significance is based on success.
- Andy Stanley
Fire in the fireplace is a wonderful thing. Fire on the carpet has the potential to burn down your house. Sex is like fire. In the right context, it is an awesome thing. But once it is outside the context it was designed for, sex can burn your life and relationships to the ground.
- Andy Stanley
The best way to know if someone is prepared to commit is to examine his or her prior commitments. If you want to know how someone will behave tomorrow, take a look at what he or she did yesterday.
- Andy Stanley
We should discipline with the goal of teaching our children the critical life skill of making things right with the people they've wronged.
- Andy Stanley