Quotes from Andy Stanley
According to Stephen Covey, delegating to others is perhaps the single most powerful high-leveraging activity there is. There are people who love what you hate. Strengthen your team by setting them free to do what only they can do. In that way you will ensure that your organization reflects your strengths as well as the strengths of those around you.
- Andy Stanley
While Paul was a man of great faith, he was not a man of great patience or tolerance for those who opposed the gospel. But that was okay. God didn't choose him for his manners.
- Andy Stanley
Narrow the Focus. By that I mean you shouldn't try to do everything; you should do a few things well.
- Andy Stanley
As leaders, we are never responsible for filling anyone else's cup. Our responsibility is to empty ours.
- Andy Stanley
Doing it anyway" is really the only way to ensure that fear doesn't rob you of an opportunity. "Doing it anyway" is the essence of courage. Courage is the willingness to move in a direction in spite of the emotions and thoughts that bid you to do otherwise.
- Andy Stanley
Preaching for life change requires far less information and more application. Less explanation and more inspiration. Less first century and more twenty-first century.
- Andy Stanley
Courage is not the absence of fear. Courage assumes fear. If we had waited for our fear to subside before we took that first plunge off of the high-dive, we would all still be standing there waiting. We just jumped anyway. Courage is the willingness to strap on your fear and move ahead.
- Andy Stanley
If God has birthed a vision in you, he is in the process of developing a similar vision in the hearts of others around you.
- Andy Stanley
An unwillingness to accept risk has swamped more leaders than anything I can think of.
- Andy Stanley
Too many church leaders have bought into the myth that to clarify the win means establishing attendance goals and raising a lot of money.
- Andy Stanley
Seasoned leaders rarely regret having taken risks. Even the risks that didn't pay off directly are viewed as a necessary part of the journey. A leader's regrets generally revolve around missed opportunities, not risks taken. Many of those missed opportunities would not have been missed had they been willing to push through their fear and embrace what could be. Fear, not a lack of good ideas, is usually what keeps a man or woman standing on the sidelines.
- Andy Stanley
Participants in the new covenant are not required to obey most of the commandments found in the first half of their Bibles. Participants in the new covenant are expected to obey the single command Jesus issued as part of his new covenant. Namely: As I have loved you, so you must love one another.
- Andy Stanley