Quotes from Andy Stanley
When a leader attempts to become well-rounded, he brings down the average of the organization's leadership quotient—which brings down the level of the leaders around him. Don't strive to be a well-rounded leader. Instead, discover your zone and stay there. Then delegate everything else.
- Andy Stanley
It's spiritually deforming because fear entices us to place our faith in the person, party, or platform that promises to protect us from whatever they've convinced us we should fear.
- Andy Stanley
Every leader has authority over arenas in which he has little or no competence. When we exert our authority in an area where we lack competence, we can derail projects and demotivate those who have the skills we lack.
- Andy Stanley
There's never any cumulative value to all the things we do instead of the things we know are truly important.
- Andy Stanley
I always end up where the road I've chosen takes me.
- Andy Stanley
Whenever we have more than we need, our natural assumption will be that it's for our own consumption.
- Andy Stanley
None of us plan--or intend--to get into trouble. The problem is, we don't plan not to.
- Andy Stanley
Your past experience must be a grid through which you evaluate every decision. Chances are, there are places you have no business visiting because of your history—places that would have no impact on the average person, but the average person doesn't share your experience with those environments.
- Andy Stanley
There is a cumulative value to investing small amounts of time in certain activities over a long period. There are rarely any immediate consequences for neglecting single installments of time in any arena of life. Neglect has a cumulative effect. here is no cumulative value to the urgent things we allow to interfere with the important things. If all of this is true, and time equals life, what is the wise thing to do as it relates to your time?
- Andy Stanley
What does God's love for me require of me?
- Andy Stanley
Personal shortcomings is often rooted in some sort of insecurity. This can be easy to see in others but next to impossible to see in ourselves. It takes a certain amount of personal security to admit weakness.
- Andy Stanley
If we all got kicked off the staff and the board, and an outside group (a group of leaders who were fearlessly committed to the mission of this church) took our place, what changes would they introduce?68 What's the first thing they would do? Who would they replace? What would they refuse to fund?
- Andy Stanley