Quotes from Andy Stanley
Jesus didn't command his followers to feel something. He commanded them to do some things.
- Andy Stanley
Giving is the way God chooses to change our hearts. As your heart changes, your attitude and feelings will follow suit. God loves a cheerful giver, but he'll put your money to good use whether you're cheerful or not. My advice: Give until you get cheerful. As I've said, our giving must impact our
- Andy Stanley
Author has developed a routine of daily emotional debriefing with his kids as he tucks them in at night. To encourage the habit of keeping uncluttered, open heart, he starts with basic questions asking whether anyone has hurt them or made them angry to help them process at an age-appropriate depth. As they mature, he will add questions.
- Andy Stanley
Geographically speaking, you can't get to where you want to be unless you know where you are the begin with. You need a reference point. Similarly, you can't get to where you want to be in life until you are willing to admit where you are to begin with. Self-deception makes that next to impossible.
- Andy Stanley
How should Jesus-following Republicans and Democrats treat, speak about, and respond to one another? Publicly and privately? The way Jesus treated, spoke to, and responded to those who disagreed with him.
- Andy Stanley
We only get one shot at every season of life. Whether or not we learned anything becomes evident in the seasons that follow.
- Andy Stanley
The problem was that somewhere along the way I had bought into the myth that a good leader has to be good at everything. So I operated under the assumption that I had to upgrade my weaknesses into strengths. After all, who would follow a leader who wasn't well-rounded?
- Andy Stanley
The desert always feels like a complete waste of time. It is only when we are able to look back that our desert experiences make sense.
- Andy Stanley
As you give to fund God's needs, are you forced to trust Him to provide for yours? That's what a growing faith is about. And over the long haul, it's not enough just to commit to a percentage. Growth means reviewing your giving goals and occasionally increasing the percentage you give.
- Andy Stanley
Nothing has stolen more dreams, dashed more hopes, broken up more families, and messed up more people psychologically than our propensity to disregard God's commands regarding sexual purity.
- Andy Stanley
Do you know why people are prone to make such foolish moral decisions? Because something always whispers to us that our situations are unique: Nobody has ever felt this way before.
- Andy Stanley
When you try to exercise authority within a department that is outside your core competencies, you will hinder everything and everyone under your watch. If you fail to distinguish between authority and competence, you will exert your influence in ways that damage projects and people. To put it bluntly, there are things you are responsible for that you should keep your nose out of.
- Andy Stanley