Quotes from Shane Claiborne
our hearts in your mercy, Lord : and establish your mercy in our hearts. Micah 3:1 — 8 Matthew 10:16 — 42
- Shane Claiborne
Our deepest longing is not for sex but for love. We can live without sex, but we cannot live without love. And
- Shane Claiborne
Help us make the judgments necessary for faithful living without becoming judgmental, that we may celebrate the mystery by which your justice is your mercy, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
- Shane Claiborne
Interestingly, Jesus did not send us into the world to make believers but to make disciples. You can worship Jesus without doing the things he says. We can believe in him and still not follow him.
- Shane Claiborne
Most good things have been said far too many times and just need to be lived. Ironically
- Shane Claiborne
To cling to the gift of life we've been given and scramble to protect our own interests is to cooperate in a culture of death that threatens to destroy us all.
- Shane Claiborne
Lord, keep us from speaking of love while hoarding the gifts you have given us. Make us full of discontent as long as there are brothers and sisters living and dying in hunger. Amen.
- Shane Claiborne
As Don Everts says in his book Jesus with Dirty Feet, "Referring to the church as a building is like referring to people as two-by-fours.
- Shane Claiborne
ordinary radicals are committed to doing small things with great love.
- Shane Claiborne
As French theologian Jacques Ellul once said, "Christians should be troublemakers, creators of uncertainty, agents of a dimension incompatible with society.
- Shane Claiborne
I remain convinced to this day that if we continue to lose young people in the church, it won't be because we made the gospel too hard but because we made it to easy. We
- Shane Claiborne
So for those of us who have nearly given up on the church, may we take comfort in the words of St. Augustine: "The Church is a whore, but she's my mother." She
- Shane Claiborne